Approval for healthcare
For some healthcare, you will need our prior permission to be entitled to reimbursement. This permission is sometimes referred to as our approval.
Healthcare subject to prior permission
If you look up reimbursement (in Dutch) of a treatment or medical aid, for example, the explanation will state whether or not you need our prior permission.
View the terms and conditions for the reimbursement which a permission is needed.
Request permission in advance
Always request permission before receiving the healthcare or buying or hiring the medical aid. This will give you peace of mind on your reimbursement, and prevent financial surprises. In most cases, your healthcare provider or supplier will request permission on your behalf, meaning that you do not need to arrange anything yourself.
Permission for non-contracted healthcare providers or suppliers
If you want to go to a non-contracted healthcare provider or supplier, you will often need our prior permission. Depending on what policy you have, you will then have to pay part of the costs yourself. Read more about reimbursement of the costs of non-contracted healthcare.
Reimbursement of the costs of a medical aid
Instead of being reimbursed in one single payment, the costs of a medical aid purchased from a non-contracted supplier may be split up into several consecutive annual partial reimbursements, provided that you can demonstrate every year that you are still using the medical aid in question. The confirmation of our approval will state whether or not this is the case for your medical aid.