Telephone numbers

Do you have a question? Call the department you need right away. We are happy to help.

Customer Services

For questions about reimbursements, submitting a change, getting advice or getting approval from CZ.

+31 88 555 77 77
Monday to Friday, 8am - 5.30pm

CZ Helpline

To arrange urgent medical care during your temporary stay in a foreign country.

+31 13 468 04 02
Available 24/7

Healthcare Team

For help in arranging and finding health care.

+31 13 594 91 10
Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm

CZ Maternity care advisers

Request obstetric care and a maternity package.

Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm

CZ Healthcare Line

For questions about illnesses, lifestyle or personal health.

+31 88 555 73 33
Monday to Friday, 7am - 11pm
Weekend, 9am - 9pm